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UPDATE: BBNaija Reunion, Chichi Opens Up On Failed Relationship As She Stated ''Deji Manipulated Me So Much That I Started Believing Something Was Wrong With Me”

  Former Big Brother Naija “Level Up” housemate, Chichi, has opened up about her failed relationship with fake housemate, Deji Morafa.  During the reunion show on Wednesday, Chichi went into detail about all the ill treatments he subjected her to, which ultimately led to their split. According to Chichi, throughout their time together, Deji would assure her of his love but presented a different narrative to the public. She claimed Deji exploited her childhood experiences to make her believe that she was the one at fault each time they had an argument, causing her to question her own sanity and even consider seeking therapy. Chichi also mentioned how Deji would dismiss her concerns whenever she voiced them, claiming that she was overthinking things. She said she eventually grew tired of the situation, which she found draining, and decided to walk away. “In SA [South Africa], most of you would noticed that I wasn’t really giving him [Deji] my time until he was...

DON'T MISS THIS: This Is Why Women M0an L0uder During s e x

what her sex sounds mean 
A group of researchers have done a study to see if the s ex sounds a woman makes (they refer to it as copulatory vocalizations) are voluntary, reflex or happens as a result of their org asms.

They performed this study by recruiting 71 s*xually active, heteros*xual women from the local community with a mean age of 22 years old, and administered a questionnaire asking the subjects about their vocalizations during  s ex.

Consistent with prior research, as revealed by Psych Central, women most often reported reaching org asm during ma sturbation or self-manipulation, and secondly by manipulation by their partner. Oral se x was the third most likely way to achieve orgasm, followed by the way women least frequently achieve orgasm: penetration by a man. Women in the study reported they most often experienced an orgasm during foreplay.

What about vocalizations? Did they most often appear around a woman's own or gasm?
Surprising to some, the answer was no. The researchers found that a woman's vocalizations occurred around the man's org asm, most often just before or simultaneously with male ejaculation.
The researchers theorize why this may be, saying, "The data clearly demonstrates a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing orgasm and making copulatory vocalizations, and indicate that there is at least an element of these responses that are under conscious control, providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behavior to their advantage."

According to this study, whether they know it or not, women appear to vocalize during s ex — not to express their own enjoyment, but to help the man reach climax.
This goes to show that the idea that people have a preconceived s*xual script in their head is not far-fetched. We, very likely, have an idealized se xual encounter and what we believe our partners want.


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